Where Do You Think You’re Goin’, Lady?


In the past week, I have been proud to vote, scared like hell of the outcome and empowered by the huge concern for kindness and acceptance amidst a sea of the opposites.

I’m exhausted by the election, but wanted to shed a little light on part of my experience, not in the outcome, but in the process of it.

I voted right in the midst of my new wave of obsession for Lady Gaga’s latest album, Joanne. The album has been running through my head and lyrics are matching my life’s recent experiences, triggering interesting thoughts.

In the song “Joanne,” we hear, repeatedly:

Girl, where do you think you’re goin’?

Where do you think you’re goin’…goin’…girl?


Just those two simple lines resounded in my head and made me ponder:

Where am I goin’? And more importantly, as a woman, where have I been?

I decided to do a little history digging to learn more about women’s fearless fight for something that today, feels innate: the right to vote. It wasn’t always simple and there are damn sure a lot of things I experience in my life that I hope will one day seem as unquestionably organic.

Ex: Why can I feel a struggle between looking my best and being taken seriously? Why are you oogling at me? And if you aren’t, are you just good at hiding it? Or are you really genuine and trustable? If you are, how do I tell? And how much time have I wasted thinking about this versus getting to my point, anyways?

I digress.

This vid gives an awesome crash course in women’s suffrage and walks us through how everything from birth control, prison sentences and even deportation played a role in this movement.

6:41 is a great place to hop in. “Women can enjoy sex?!” EEK!

As a woman, I’m proud of where I’ve been and where I’m goin’. And I can tell you one thing: I will not take such hard work for granted. I will be at the polls every chance I get to exercise what these brave souls fought so hard for. And I’ll continue to stand for making equality a simpler, more natural reality, for women and all other beating hearts.

I believe in you. I believe in us. And more importantly, I’ll act on it. Join me?




Jess Piet
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Jess Piet

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