Well hello fabulous followers. It is ever so enchanting to meet you.
I do hope I make a good impression…considering the classy, potty-mouthed, over-sensitive fashionista I am (the truth, whether I like it or not)…

It’s the start of a new year and (finally ABOUT) time to shed a little light on the who, what, and WEARS  of the F’s that rock my Chicago-homed inspiration for looking, feeling and being…absolutely fabulous.


…I inspire to have it all and more importantly share my great finds with you!

It has been a long time goal to help others find ways to enhance the overall beauty in all aspects of their world…so I consider this first post… a post WON. The ball is officially rolling and now you — are that much closer to being the belle of it!
Glad to meet you….Now lets have some fun.

Jess Piet
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Jess Piet

Gettin' real, NOT NAKED!